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发布时间:2021-03-01 作者: 英语查

nessie 是什么意思


NESSIE (New European Schemes for Signatures, Integrity and Encryption) was a European research project funded from 2000?2003 to identify secure cryptographic primitives. The project was comparable to the NIST AES process and the Japanese Government-sponsored CRYPTREC project, but with notable differences from both.


1.Nessie is usually categorized as a type of lake monster

2.Most scientists agree that nessie is neither a whale nor a shark

3.Most scientists agree that nessie is neither a whale nor a shark

4.Camellia is one of standard block cipher algorithms in the nessie project

5.The born of aes and the launching of nessie project , bring a new climax of block cipher research all over the world

6.Is it real or imaginary , this monster , which has been nicknamed nessie , has collected a good 3000 sightings over the last 50 years
真假姑且不论,这个昵称尼西的怪兽在过去的半个世纪中已经吸引了3 , 000余名游客。

7.To fuel the debate about the monster , and perhaps also curiosity about the lake , a price of 500 , 000 pounds sterling has been put on nessie ' s head

8.To fuel the debate about the monster , and perhaps also curiosity about the lake , a price of 500 , 000 pounds sterling has been put on nessie ' s head

9.More than one slippery creature is said to be living in loch nessie . in any case , people have reported seeing a humped " what - is - it " for over 30 years
不管怎么说, 30年来一直不断有人报导见到了一个有驼峰般隆起的背部的“不知是什么”的动物。

10.So a sea slug could shape its body into the one , two , three or more humps that different people say they have seen . how did nessie get into loch nessie ? from the sea , all say

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