中文翻译与英英解释 | n. 因特网。 supply Net services 提供因特网服务。 n. 1.网,网眼织物,(花边的)织物。 2.网状物,网状组织,网状系统,通信网。 3.(乒乓、网球的)球网;落网球。 4.罗网,陷阱。 5.(蜘)蛛网。 短语和例子 a fish net 鱼网。 a mosquito-net 蚊帐。 a net artist 〔美国〕网球选手。 be caught in a net 陷入罗网,上了圈套。 cast [throw] a net 撒网。 draw in a net 拉网。 spread one's net for (sb.) 给某人布置好圈套,设法叫某人上钩。 sweep everything into one's net 把可以到手的一切都攫为己有,一切尽归私囊。 vt. (-tt-) 1.用网捕,撒(网),张(网),用网覆;用网制作;用…编成网状物。 2.把…诱入圈套[罗网]。 3.〔美俚〕(努力、设法)得到(结果),捞得。 4.打(球)落网,触网。 vi. 编网;编结网状物;〔诗〕成网状。 net strawberries 用网覆盖草莓。 net a river 在河上撒网。 net a handsome profit 捞到一大笔利润。 netted sunbeam 映在水底上的网形日光。 adj. 净的,纯的 (opp. gross) 无虚价的;基本的;最后的。 a net interest 纯利, 净赚。 a net loss 纯损, 净亏。 a net profit [gain] 纯利润。 a net price 实价。 at 5 dollars net 实价5美元。 net ton 净吨,美吨 (2000磅)〔英吨叫 gross ton (2240磅)〕。 net weight 净重。 the net result 最后结果。 n. 纯利; 净值;实价;纯量, 净数, 净重。 vt. (-tt-) 得到;使得到; 净得; 净赚。 net $10000 a year 每年净赚一万元。 net- net adj.,n. 最后的(定论);最权威的(结论)。
| |
| remaining after all deductions; "net profit" 同义词:nett,
| conclusive in a process or progression; "the final answer"; "a last resort"; "the net result" 同义词:final, last,
| catch with a net; "net a fish" 同义词:nett,
| | construct or form a web, as if by weaving 同义词:web,
| | make as a net profit; "The company cleared $1 million" 同义词:sack, sack up, clear,
| | yield as a net profit; "This sale netted me $1 million" 同义词:clear,
| a computer network consisting of a worldwide network of computer networks that use the TCP/IP network protocols to facilitate data transmission and exchange 同义词:internet, cyberspace,
| | an open fabric of string or rope or wire woven together at regular intervals 同义词:network, mesh, meshing, meshwork,
| | a trap made of netting to catch fish or birds or insects
| | game equipment consisting of a strip of netting dividing the playing area in tennis or badminton
| | a goal lined with netting (as in soccer or hockey)
| | the excess of revenues over outlays in a given period of time (including depreciation and other non-cash expenses) 同义词:net income, net profit, lucre, profit, profits, earnings,
例句与用法 | 1. | The vice president has no such safety nets . 副总统可没有这种保护网。
| | 2. | The net around yugoslavia was closing . 对南斯拉夫张下的罗网正在收紧。
| | 3. | The fishermen cast their nets into the sea . 渔民们将网撒入海中。
| | 4. | Margaret failed to net her lord . 玛格丽特没有抓住她的贵族朋友。
| | 5. | The three friends held by the net . 三位朋友继续紧紧地抓着网眼。
| | 6. | All is fish that comes to his net . 到手的都要,便宜事来者不拒。
| | 7. | We are interested in the net total . 我们感兴趣的是真实的总和。
| | 8. | The ball glanced off the goal post into the net . 球撞到球门柱上斜飞入网。
| | 9. | If i lose my job , i have got no safety net . 我丢掉这份工作就无计可施了。
| | 10. | This is a net gain for the american policy . 这就是美国政策所获的“纯利。”