中文翻译与英英解释 | n. 1.奶头,(奶瓶的)橡皮奶头。 2.(皮肤、山顶、金属面、玻璃面等的)乳头状突起;(枪炮的)火门;【机械工程】喷灯喷嘴,螺纹接套。
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| a flexible cap on a baby''s feeding bottle or pacifier
| | the small projection of a mammary gland 同义词:mammilla, mamilla, pap, teat, tit,
In its most general form, a nipple is a structure from which a fluid emanates. More specifically, it is the projection on the breasts or udder of a mammal by which breast milk is delivered to a mother's young. |
例句与用法 | 1. | Nipple inversion is quite common in normal breasts . 乳头内陷在正常乳房中也很常见。
| | 2. | The nipple is surrounded by pigmented circular skin called the areola . 乳头周围颜色较深的部位称为乳晕。
| | 3. | Strict adherence to nipple hygiene is essential during breast feeding . 在哺乳期要严格保持乳头的清洁卫生。
| | 4. | Feeding time should last as long as the same amount was fed by nipple . 喂的时间应与婴儿从奶头吸吮同等量所需要的时间相等。
| | 5. | This unique form of breast cancer begins as a weeping eczematoid lesion of the nipple . 一种独特类型的乳癌,病变的开始是乳头湿疹样改变的。
| | 6. | These papillomas may be soft, small, and difficult to palpate beneath the areola or the nipple . 这些乳头状瘤较小,质软,不易摸认,位于乳晕或乳头之下方。
| | 7. | " suck my dick , pinch my nipples , bend over " 吮吮我的吊,捏捏我的乳头儿插进来吧
| | 8. | Lubricating nipples - heavy duty lubricating nipples 润滑脂管嘴.重型润滑脂管嘴
| | 9. | Steel connections with gas thread . double nipples 钢制气体螺距的连接管.双接头
| | 10. | Pressing the nipples can also stop leaking of milk 按压乳头也有助抑制乳汁漏出。