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发布时间:2021-03-26 作者: 英语查

nonscheduled 是什么意思


未作安排的,未排定的;(客机)不定期的。 a nonscheduled airline 不定期航空公司。


1.Nonscheduled down time

2.Responsible for nonscheduled tasks such as information collection , promotion , herps delivery , etc

3.At the end of this chapter , it ' s pointed that nonscheduled information such as reports from the board of directors and other reportages from special medium

4.The contents of auditing report and scholiums of accounting statements are emphases in this chapter . at the end of this chapter , it ' s pointed that nonscheduled information such as reports from the board of directors and other reportages

5.Countermeasures for the serious problems of the financial control over subsidiary companies are to ( 1 ) establish a scientific share holding structure of its subsidiary companies ; ( 2 ) strengthen its control over authorization right of its subsidiary companies ; ( 3 ) establish a scientific budget duty system ; ( 4 ) establish a scientific financial reporting system ; ( 5 ) use modern technology of information and network to establish the financial balance network of business operation , accounting checking network and electronic bank system ; ( 6 ) perfect the target assessing system over its subsidiary companies ; ( 7 ) send financial supervisors to its subsidiary companies ; ( 8 ) strengthen the scheduled or nonscheduled financial audit over its subsidiary companies

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