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发布时间:2021-04-14 作者: 英语查

nrs 是什么意思


NRS =National Reemployment Service 〔美国〕全国再就业事务局。


1.Vice - chairperson external : poon wing chi nrs 2

2.Li ka ho ace 2 lam yuen tung nrs 3

3.Chairperson : chan so sik nrs 2

4.Lui chun keung nrs 4

5.Simultaneously , the nrs was obtained from patients by a different observer who was blinded to the nfsc values

6.The variations of amplitude of earthquake acceleration , normalized response spectrum ( nrs ) and bi - normalized response spectrum ( bnrs ) with depth were evaluated

7.Nrs was strongly related to site conditions and depth , while the bnrs had better consistency among all strong motion records than the conventional nrs under the influence of site condition , depth and motion component

8.Methods : after obtaining ethical approval and written informed consent , 25 postoperative patients were asked to quantify their level of pain on a numeric rating scale ( nrs , 0 - 10 ) at different time points in the recovery room
方法:在获得伦理批准及知情同意后,恢复室中25名术后患者被要求在数值评分量表( nrs , 0 - 10 )上量化他们各时间点的疼痛程度。

9.To verify the analysis results , a simulation tool for network reliablity - nrs is designed and implemented . the simulator can be used to model reliability of several network topologies referred above and the reliability of layer network
为验证解析结果的正确性,设计并实现了针对网络可靠性的模拟器nrs ( networkreliabilitysimulator ) ,它可以对上述多种网络的可靠性进行模拟,而且可以对以典型网络拓扑结构为骨干网的层次网络进行仿真。

10.The second part , a renewable piezoelectric immunosensor is developed for the antibody of schistosoma - japonicum ( sjab ) . after incubating 32 kd molecular antigens of schistosoma japonicum ( sjag ) on the qcm by applying the immobilization above , the nonspecific sites on the immunosensor are sealed by using bsa and nrs together . the immunosensor can detect the sjab with the linear range of 0 . 54 ~ 32 . 50 ug / ml
以感染兔血清为检测对象,采用聚电解质吸附固定法,将日本血吸虫分子抗原( siag32kd )固定于石英晶振表面,再以牛血清白蛋白( bsa )和正常兔血清( nrs )联合封闭晶振上非特异性活性位点,可在0 . 54 32 . 50ug ml范围内检测感染兔血清中日本血吸虫抗体。

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