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发布时间:2021-04-02 作者: 英语查
officiate 是什么意思 |
中文翻译与英英解释 | vi.,vt. 1.执行(职务);主持(会议);做 (as)。 2.【宗教】(为…充当)司祭;(主持仪式)。 3.充当(比赛等的)裁判。 短语和例子 officiate as best man 做男傧相。 officiate as host 作东道主,当东。 officiate at a marriage 主持婚礼。
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| perform duties attached to a particular office or place or function; "His wife officiated as his private secretary" 同义词:function,
| | act in an official capacity in a ceremony or religious ritual, such as a wedding; "Who officiated at your wedding?"
例句与用法 | 1. | You wanted him as the bridegroom, not as the officiating cleric . 你想把他作为你的新郎,而不是一个履行公事的神父。
| | 2. | Officiating guests attending the ceremony include 出席毕业典礼之主礼嘉宾包括:
| | 3. | You can ' t officiate , or give the sacraments anymore 你不能再行使或授予圣礼了
| | 4. | Officiating at the opening ceremony are the chief executive , 开幕礼由行政长官
| | 5. | Pro - vice - chancellor of hku will officiate at the ceremony 开幕礼后安排新闻界预展。
| | 6. | Chief executive officiates at 2006 honours and awards ceremony 行政长官主持授勋典礼
| | 7. | Address by officiating guest dr . york chow , sbs , jp 主礼嘉宾周一岳医生致辞
| | 8. | Will officiate at the ceremony and address the gathering 在典礼发表演说。
| | 9. | Sca to officiate at opening ceremony of cdeto 携手推动香港成为健康安全之都
| | 10. | Honorable guests were officiating the opening ceremony 嘉宾主持开幕仪式
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