| 1. | The busy oiler nodded his assent . 忙着干活的加油工点了点头表示赞同。
| 2. | In the meantime the oiler and the correspondent rowed . 与此同时,加油工和记者划着船。
| 3. | The oiler steered, and the little boat made good way with her new rig . 加油工掌着舵,小船靠着这新装备快速前进。
| 4. | This plan enabled the oiler and the correspondent to get respite together . 这个计划使加油工和记者能一起稍事休息。
| 5. | We make them play richmond oiler ball 我们要打我们里士满钻井队的路线
| 6. | When the richmond oilers roll into town 那些体面的阔学生脸上的表情
| 7. | When the richmond oilers roll into town 那些体面的阔学生脸上的表情
| 8. | The highly ranked oilers have a perfect season on the court , 排名很高的油井队此赛季战无不胜
| 9. | Do you know what oilers stands for 你知道油井队员代表什么吗?
| 10. | " richmond center has been big as the oilers are ' boyed . " ' 里士满中心巍然耸立,因为“掌起”油井队的