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发布时间:2021-03-05 作者: 英语查

okhotsk 是什么意思


Okhotsk , the sea of Okhotsk 鄂霍次克海。


1.Influence on northern pacific storm track of okhotsk sea ice during winter

2.Okhotsk , sea of

3.Typhoons , earthquakes and a frozen sea make life difficult enough for the two consortia extracting oil and gas from beneath the sea of okhotsk , off the coast of sakhalin island in the russian far east

4.During flood years , the center of negative anomaly is around ural mountains , the center of positive anomaly is around high - latitude of east asia and another negative and positive center are over okhotsk sea and the north - west pacific , respectively
通过对夏季旱涝等级指数的morlet型和mexicanhat型小波变换分析,发现山东夏季旱涝指数主要存在着2 5年和7年左右的周期振荡。

5.Based on the arctic sea ice concentration data and the ncep / ncar reanalysis data , the contemporaneous relationship of the winter sea ice in the sea of okhotsk and its adjacent sea areas with the northern pacific storm track is investigated by statistical analysis methods
摘要利用北极海冰密集度资料和ncep / ncar再分析资料,运用统计方法讨论了冬季鄂霍次克海及其邻近海区海冰异常与同期北太平洋风暴轴的联系。

6.Further more , the coherence between circulation and olr are calculated and analyzed . the results show that there is positive correlation between australian high and the precipitation of middle and low reaches of yangtze rivers , and negative correlation between okhotsk and the precipitation of middle and low reaches of yangtze rivers

7.The interdecadal characteristics of correlation pattern of interannual relationship between winter sea - ice extent of davis strait and august 500hpa height of northern hemisphere is " + - + " pattern from ural mountains to north of sea of okhotsk which is strongly negatively correlated with the august rainfall of north china before 1974 , and it has not apparent correlation pattern in europe - asia continent after 1974
1974年前,冬季戴维斯海峡海冰面积和北半球8月500hpa位势高度场的相关系数呈一个自乌拉尔山开始到鄂霍次克海以北分布的“ + - + ”型,该型和8月华北降水的反相关较好; 1974年后,相关在欧亚大陆地区变差,没有明显的相关型,冬季戴维斯海峡海冰面积和8月华北降水关系变差。

8.This paper use the ncep / ncar day - to - day reanalysis data of 500hpa high field and so on , choose ural mountain , baikal , okhotsk as the key district , the mid - high latitude of eurasia circulation courses that have long duration ( scale of time is middle , namely during 10 - 30 day ) , maybe continue continuously after being intermittence of 1 - 2 days in middle , appear repeatedly is for research object , define an index " i " of the circulation pattern over mid - high latitude of eurasia . a method is proposed to identify the summer typical persistent circulation pattern at 500hpa levels over eurasia mid - high latitude . the climate characteristics of those typical persistent circulation patterns are studied
本文利用ncep / ncar再分析逐日500hpa高度场等资料,选择乌拉尔山、贝加尔湖、鄂霍次克海这三个地方作为关键区,以夏季欧亚中高纬度持续时间长(时间尺度属于中间时间尺度,即10 ? 30天之间) 、中间可能会间歇1 、 2天然后又继续持续、反复出现的环流过程为研究对象,定义了一个夏季欧亚中高纬流型指数,在此基础上提出了一种对夏季欧亚中高纬500hpa典型持续流型的界定方法,研究了典型持续流型的气候特征,分析了流型指数的年代际变化,以及对应不同阶段、不同流型的降水场、加热场、海温场等的主要特征。

9.The positive and negative anomaly centers at 500hpa level formed the anomaly " wave train " from lower latitude to higher latitude over east asia . the teleconnection pattern called east asia - pacific pattern ( eap ) plays important roles in the summer rainfall in shandong area . study shows that weaker okhotsk sea high , northward location of subtropical high and stronger indian low , are likely to lead to more rain in shandong province in summer
分析对比旱涝年不同层次高度场以及高低层散度场,结果发现,在春夏季旱涝年,高度场几个主要的距平中心以及115 130 e区域高( 200hpa )低( 925hpa )层散度场基本呈现出反位相分布特征,北半球夏季存在的东亚-太平洋遥相关型( eap型)对山东夏季降水产生重要影响。

10.It is found that the anomalous sea ice area over the southwest part of the sea of okhotsk , together with the associated northern pacific sst anomaly , can exert crucial influence on the variability in the vigor and nw - se extension ( contraction ) of the pacific storm track , while the sea ice area anomalies over the area of northeastern part of the sea of okhotsk and the gulf of shelikhow , together with its associated north pacific ssta , mainly impact the strength and south - north movement of the storm track

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