| 1. | God is not ubiquitous , but omnipresent 上帝不是无所不在的,而是同时到处存在。
| 2. | 92 master s says the omnipresent true nature 92师父开示无所不在的本来面目
| 3. | Master s care is omnipresent master s wonders 师父无处不在的关心和照顾
| 4. | Dear master , you are truly omniscient and omnipresent 亲爱的师父!您真是无所不知无所不在!
| 5. | Then simply put him next to me , god is omnipresent 既然无所不在, ?知道我有心要供养就好了啦!
| 6. | Masters power is indeed omnipresent 师父的力量真是无所不在呀!
| 7. | Theres no need for a soul mate when youre omnipresent 因为当你无所不在时,也就不需要灵性伴侣了。
| 8. | Master s power is truly omnipresent 师父的力量真是无所不在!
| 9. | These distinctions are omnipresent in the current literature 这些区别在当前的著作中是无所不在的。
| 10. | Master s care is omnipresent 师父无处不在的关心和照顾