| 1. | Onr octane number requirement 辛值要求
| 2. | Make a gentleman find decorate company argue , can decorate a company with channel of replenish onr ' s stock different give prevaricate 许先生找到装修公司说理,可装修公司以进货渠道不一样予以搪塞。
| 3. | Opportunity of this movement replenish onr ' s stock is bad to hold , suggest to fluky psychology is not held to go to ground of wait for windfalls seeking opportunity of such replenish onr ' s stock in actual combat 这个动作进货机会不好把握,建议实战中不要抱有侥幸心理去守株待兔地找这样的进货机会。
| 4. | Produce sells the produce that the enterprise sells to its , ought to build examination of perfect replenish onr ' s stock to check and accept a system ; via checking what do not accord with standard of produce quality safety , do not get a sale 农产品销售企业对其销售的农产品,应当建立健全进货检查验收制度;经查验不符合农产品质量安全标准的,不得销售。
| 5. | You should make clear with these suppliers before replenish onr ' s stock want bill , otherwise you are cannot of enter an item in an account , because use the consequence of receipt enter an item in an account , be being checked by duty wu branch in the future want punishment 你在进货之前就应该跟这些供给商表明要发票,不然你是无法入帐的,因为用收据入帐的后果将来被税务部门查到是要处罚的。
| 6. | Bill and value added tax , the relation of income tax : you are make out an invoice square , press those who go out not to contain taxes specified number of course , computational value added tax ( if be average taxpayer , still involve those who get bill of replenish onr ' s stock to touch discount a problem ) if be to receive a bill square , bill closes much , mix more with respect to existence charge cost is big , profit decreases relatively 发票和增值税,所得税的关系:你是开票方,当然就按开出的不含税金额,计算增值税(假如是一般纳税人,还涉及收到进货发票的抵扣问题)假如是收票方,发票收多了,就存在费用多和成本大,利润就相对减少。
| 7. | Foreign trade exports a company ( ( average taxpayer ) when be being exported that month , should declare in average taxpayer declare on the system export amount that month ( by exit the tax rate * that day exports frontal ) , but because want to deal with exit drawback , bill of replenish onr ' s stock did not arrive , whether should have the estimate of of short duration of inventory and cost by appraisal that month 外贸出口企业( (一般纳税人)当月出口时要在一般纳税人申报系统上申报当月出口金额(按出口当日的税率*出口额) ,但由于要办理出口退税,进货发票未到,当月是否要按估价进行库存及成本的暂估?