| 1. | The motion has an oscillatory nature . 运动具有振动性质。
| 2. | Oscillatory system can be broadly characterized as linear or nonlinear . 振荡系统可大致上区分为线性和非线性两种。
| 3. | The oscillatory current flowing in the coil produces an oscillating magnetic field . 流过线圈的振荡电流产生一个振荡磁场。
| 4. | The q, or quality factor, of an oscillatory system is a very widely used term . 一个振动系统的Q,即质量因子,是一个应用极广的概念。
| 5. | Light is an oscillatory thing with a definite frequency that is related to the wavelength . 光是一种以确定频率振动的东西,这一频率与波长有关。
| 6. | The accelerometer bias errors result in an average constant offset plus an oscillatory component . 加速度计的偏置误差形成一平均的常值偏离加上一振荡分量。
| 7. | The study of vibration is concerned with the oscillatory motions of bodies and the forces associated with them . 振动的研究涉及到物体的振荡运动以及与此有关的力。
| 8. | Yet the concept that light is somehow inherently oscillatory has persisted throughout this transition period . 但是光本来是某种振动这一概念在过渡时期里始终保持着。
| 9. | It will be apparent in the mathematical notes that under some conditions the solution is not oscillatory . 在数学附录中可以看到,在有些条件下,这个问题的解是不振荡的。
| 10. | When both oscillatory stretch and the pace maker discharge occur at approximately the same rate, they synchronize . 当振荡式牵张和起搏点放电的频率大体一致时,它们就同步化。