| 1. | To great degree , mastering english well is due to a great deal osculation to this language 掌握好英语很大程度上要归因于大量接触该语言
| 2. | Its goal is building up a osculation and friendly relationship between people and computer and using it to efficiently communication 目的在于建立起一种人与机器之间的密切而友好的关系,使之能进行高度的信息传递与认知活动。
| 3. | 3 ) the relations between modulation of the secondary moment and modulation of load is very osculation . when becomes greater , modulation of the secondary moment becomes greater ( 3 )次弯矩的调幅和荷载弯矩调幅两者紧密相关,可以相互转化,此消彼涨, 。
| 4. | With the development of social economy and culture , and the osculation of the relationship among nationalities , the nationality of languages weakens gradually , but the sociality strengthens 随著社会经济文化的发展以及各民族之间相互联系的密切,语言的民族性渐趋减弱,而社会性渐稳增强。
| 5. | Recognition of the stock listed company , the confirmation of issuing price , absorbing new capital from market , st and pt , which have osculation connections with profit index 股份上市公司的认定、上市发行价格的确定、上市公司的再融资、股票交易的特别处理、暂停上市和摘牌等都与利润指标有密切的联系。
| 6. | He kissed the plump mellow yellow smellow melons of her rump , on each plump melonous hemisphere , in their mellow yellow furrow , with obscure prolonged provocative melonsmellonous osculation 他吻着她臀部那一对丰满熟软淡黄馨香的瓜,与丰腴的瓜那两个半球,以及那烂熟淡黄的垄沟,接了个微妙富于挑逗性而散
| 7. | The political nature of education prescribes the osculation between education and politics . as is known to all , the governments of all levels may exert influence on the nature of education by means of laying the goals to be attained 教育的政治属性决定了教育和政治必将如影相随,政府通过制定教育目的来左右教育的属性,课程是全面实现国家教育目的的载体,在一定程度是国家人才规格的模具。
| 8. | The method is simple : put 8 12 pieces of floorboards together on flat ground . check combination for flatness and smoothness as well as the right tongue - groove osculation that should be neither too loose nor too tight by way of hand feeling and visual observation to judge the processing precision 举例而言,广州的年平衡含水率为17 . 3 ,那么在广州市场销售的木地板的含水率就应该在717 . 3之间,含水率高于17 . 3或低于7的木地板都是不合格产品。
| 9. | Newspapers , broadcasting , tv and books , so many mass media have filtered in even the corner of the society . from individual ' s basic necessities of life , study , work and entertainment to the government , the politics , the economy and culture , each one has an osculation connect to the mass communication 报刊、广播、电视、书籍等大众传播媒介渗透到社会的各个阶层和角落,小到个人的衣食住行、学习、工作和娱乐,大到社会的政治、经济和文化,无一不和大众传播密切相关。
| 10. | The admixture of bank , securities and insurance not only weakened the business foundation , but also capital circulation among bank , securities and insurance and the increasingly osculation of the businesses increase the supervision difficulty . we current adopt mostly the organization supervision , manage through businesses examining and approval 银行、证券、保险之间业务的混合不仅削弱了分业监管的业务基础,而且银行、证券、保险业之间资金和业务往来的日益密切增加了分业监管的难度。现行分业监管过程中,大都采用机构性监管,以业务审批制方式进行管理。