例句与用法 | 1. | And there sat with him the high sinhedrim of the twelve tribes of iar , for every tribe one man , of the tribe of patrick and of the tribe of hugh and of the tribe of owen and of the tribe of conn and of the tribe of oscar and of the tribe of fergus and of the tribe of finn and of the tribe of dermot and of the tribe of cormac and of the tribe of kevin and of the tribe of caolte and of the tribe of ossian , there being in all twelve good men and true 列席者为由爱阿尔的十二族组成最高评议会,每族限一名。帕特里克族休族欧文族康恩族奥斯卡族弗格斯族芬恩族德莫特族科麦克族凯文族卡奥尔特族莪相族340共计十二名正直而善良的人。