| 1. | He far outclasses the other runners in the race . 他在比赛时远远超过其他的赛跑者。
| 2. | She outclasses all of us at tennis 她在网球上远远超过我们所有的人。
| 3. | I outclassed him on every front 我在所有方面都全面超越他
| 4. | The challenger was so outclassed that he couldn ' t get a single blow in 挑战者的技术太差了,连一拳也没有击中对方。
| 5. | The challenger was so outclassed that he couldn ' t get a single blow in 拳王站在打击得到的距离内,给挑战者一记重击。
| 6. | In design and quality of manufacture they were outclassed by the italians 在产品设计和质量上,意大利人大大超过了他们
| 7. | In design and quality of manufacture they were outclassed by the italians 在产品设计和质量上,意大利人大大超过了他们
| 8. | The challenger seemed to be outclassed , although he was the first to let blood 虽然挑战者道德使对方受伤,但他似乎很容易被击败。
| 9. | The challenger seemed to be outclassed , although he was the first to let blood 虽然挑战者道德使对方受伤,但他似乎很容易被击败。
| 10. | To be used when totally outclassed or to preserve a lead late in the game 当对手实力远超自己或者想在比赛尾声保持领先的比分时候使用。