| 1. | Some concerts are free and some are overpriced 有些演唱会是免费的.有些又定价太高
| 2. | Don ' t you think this hotel is a little overpriced 你不觉得这间旅馆价钱有点偏高吗?
| 3. | Incredibly overpriced . that car ' s over 20 years old 太贵了。已经是20年前的老车了。
| 4. | Just ' cause it ' s overpriced don ' t mean you steal it 这些东西标价过高也不表示你可以用偷的
| 5. | It ' s an interesting system , but in my opinion it ' s overpriced 它蛮不错的,但是我觉得价钱太高了。
| 6. | And an overpriced prix fixe menu 和一个高定价的法国客饭菜单
| 7. | And an overpriced prix fixe menu 和一个高定价的法国客饭菜单
| 8. | Of grossly overpricing plasma and other critical medical supplies 在最近的印尼遭袭事件中过度抬高血浆
| 9. | Of grossly overpricing plasma and other critical medical supplies 在最近的印尼遭袭事件中过度抬高血浆
| 10. | My hair ! - carefui ! that ' s my overpriced itaiian beit -我的头发! -小心!这可是我的奇贵无比的意大利皮带