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发布时间:2021-03-01 作者: 英语查
overran 是什么意思 |
例句与用法 | 1. | His speech overran the time allotted . 他的演说超过了规定时间。
| | 2. | It could overrun the earth . 它可能会在整个世界上横行无忌的。
| | 3. | Farther to the south, two red armies overran romania in august 1944 . 再向南,两支红军于1944年8月席卷罗马尼亚。
| | 4. | The annual cost overruns alone equal the government budgets of many nations . 仅每年费用超支一项,就等于许多国家的政府预算额。
| | 5. | Nuclear cost overruns have put many state utility commissions in difficulty . 核电的费用超支,使电力公司在各州的代办机构左右为难。
| | 6. | The negro quarter around 135th street, new york, was overrun with fortune tellers and witch doctors . 在纽约135号街区周围的黑人区,占卜师和巫医泛滥成灾。
| | 7. | Farther north still, two russian armies overran half of east prussia and drove to the gulf of danzing . 再往北,俄国两个集团军,越过了半个东普鲁士,向但泽湾挺进。
| | 8. | They rob and steal, and even threaten to overrun the whole country and turn me and the royal household out . 他们又是抢,又是偷,甚至扬言要蹂躏全国,还要把我和全体皇族赶走。
| | 9. | The countryside was overrun by marauding bands 郊野到处都有散兵游勇,四出打劫
| | 10. | When an overrun is detected , execution is halted 当检测到溢出时,将中断执行。
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