中文翻译与英英解释 | vt. 1.订正,改正,修正(议案等)。 2.改变(行为等)。 vi. 改良;改过。 an amended bill 修正案。 amend one's ways 改过自新。 adj. -able ,-er n. 订正者,改正者,修正者。
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| set straight or right; "remedy these deficiencies"; "rectify the inequities in salaries"; "repair an oversight" 同义词:rectify, remediate, remedy, repair,
| | to make better; "The editor improved the manuscript with his changes" 同义词:better, improve, ameliorate, meliorate,
| | make amendments to; "amend the document"
例句与用法 | 1. | He wanted to make amends to the poor woman . 他想跟这个可怜的女人和解。
| | 2. | To forestall is better than to amend . 与其补救于已然,不如防范于未然。
| | 3. | We have amended the quantity as 200 metric tons . 我们已将数量改为二百公吨。
| | 4. | I will amend my ways and stop talking in class . 我要改正错误,不在课堂上说话了。
| | 5. | My rules are never amended . 我的命令永远是不可更改的。
| | 6. | Now i must make amends . 现在我可得将功赎罪啦。
| | 7. | We would rather withdraw the draft resolution than amend it . 与其修改草案,不如予以撤回。
| | 8. | The amended pattern is therefore chosen for the second trial . 因此所修正的图式被选作第二次尝试。
| | 9. | I do not know how you will ever make him amends for his kindness . 我不知道你怎样方能报答他的恩典。
| | 10. | You 'd better go and make amends to him. i 'm sure he 'll forgive you . 你最好是负荆请罪,我相信他会原谅你。