| 1. | They plan to move to amex in the next 12 months 他们计划在未来一年里进军美国证券交易所。
| 2. | Her amex card can decapitate a demon up to 100 yards away 她的amex卡可以在一百码外将一个魔鬼斩首
| 3. | Amex opened its first european office in paris in 1895 1895年, “美运通”在巴黎开办了首家欧洲办事处。
| 4. | American stock exchange amex 美国证券交易所
| 5. | Amex will designate one of the linked accounts as the " primary account . 美国运通将会指定其中一个户口为主要账户。
| 6. | 11 . 3 amex reserves the right to change the program terms conditions at any time 11 . 3美国运通保留于任何时间更改本计划的条款及细则的权利。
| 7. | In such a case , amex shall give advance written notice to basic cardmembers 一旦出现此情况,美国运通将以书面预先通知参加本计划的基本卡会员。
| 8. | " amex " means american express international , inc . , its affiliates and licensees 美国运通乃指美国运通国际股份有限公司其附属公司及被认可人。
| 9. | 11 . 2 amex can suspend or terminate the program at any time it deems necessary 11 . 2美国运通可于任何其认为必须之时间,暂停或终止本计划的权利。
| 10. | Amex will bear no responsibility for resolving such disputes , or for the dispute itself 美国运通毋须对争议本身负责,亦没有责任为双方解决争议。