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发布时间:2020-12-10 作者: 英语查

duma 是什么意思


The Duma were council assemblies which were created by the Tsar of Russia. Simply, it is a form of Russian governmental institution that was formed during the reign of the last Tsar, Nicholas II.


1.Russia ' s new state duma

2.In 2003 , russian federal government ' s deposit insurance law on natural person was passed by duma , and the law played a critical role in easing the preparatory banks ' crisis in summer of 2004
2003年俄罗斯国家杜马通过了《俄罗斯联邦关于自然人在俄联邦银行存款保险法》 ,并在俄罗斯2004年夏季“准银行危机”的拯救中大显身手。

3.Located in xuejia , xinbei district , changzhou duma tools co . , ltd . professionally makes and markets various carbide cutting tools including auger , milling tool , reamer , boring cutter , cutter for spot facing work , etc

4.In russia , the president of the duma of the tomsk oblast presented jones on 28 june with the mercy and charity award in recognition of her leadership in helping improve the lives of thousands of children in the state

5.In russia , the president of the duma of the tomsk oblast presented jones on 28 june with the mercy and charity award in recognition of her leadership in helping improve the lives of thousands of children in the state

6.Russian television has gloated over ukraine ' s chaotic politics , pointing up the advantages of russia ' s stable system , in which decisions are taken by the kremlin and rubber - stamped by the duma

7.The council of the state duma and the chamber council of the council of federation of the federal assembly of the russian federation note with increasing concern that the situation in iraq is rapidly developing according to the worst case scenario
2003 . 05 . 26加里宁格勒州是俄罗斯联邦西部最大的一个地区,外国国界和波罗的海国际水域将其与俄其他地区完全隔开了。

8.His other , more complicated option , is to use united russia ' s dominance of the duma , the lower house of parliament , to change the constitution and devolve real power to the prime minister , turning the presidency into more of a ceremonial job

9.It has been reported that the russian president announced on 30 september this year that the russian government had endorsed a bill to ratify the kyoto protocol ( " the protocol " ) and the bill had been submitted to the russian state duma for approval
据报,本年九月三十日,俄罗斯总统宣布,该国政府已通过了有关批准《京都议定书》 ( "议定书" )的法律草案,并已将草案提交俄罗斯国家杜马批准。

10.The protocol will come into effect in parties to the protocol all over the world after the bill has been approved by the russian state duma , endorsed by the upper house of russian s parliament and signed by the president . it will also be an important step taken by the international communities to counter threats posed by climate change to the world

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