| 1. | Read jimmy 's card to me please , mary . 请把吉米的明信片读给我,玛丽。
| 2. | Don't you speak like a book, mr. jimmy . 你别那么文绉绉地讲话,吉米先生。
| 3. | There the warden handed jimmy his pardon . 在那里,加长把赦免令递给吉米。
| 4. | Jimmy took it in a tired kind of way . 吉米无精打采地接了过来。
| 5. | She looked at jimmy and blushed . 她望着吉米,脸上泛起了红晕。
| 6. | Jimmy durante's buffoonery was hilarious . 吉米杜兰特的滑稽表演令人捧腹。
| 7. | Jimmy has gummed up the typewriter . 吉米把打字机弄坏了。
| 8. | Jimmy is bound to get ahead . 吉米是注定了要出人头地的。
| 9. | I was at the greengrocer 's . how 's jimmy today ? 我在蔬菜水果店里。吉米怎么啦?
| 10. | "you're not jimmy wells," he snapped . “你不是吉米威尔斯”,他怒气冲冲急促地说。