中文翻译与英英解释 | n. 1.滑稽,诙谐,戏谑。 2.〔 pl.〕诙谐的言行。
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| the trait of merry joking 同义词:jocoseness, merriness, humorousness,
| | fun characterized by humor 同义词:jocularity,
例句与用法 | 1. | It is true that dusk ' s classics and plebeians ' jocosity has some correct statements , but there arc many pails running counter to the academic principles , for instance , making sweeping criticisms , self - contradiction , inadequate evidence , spontaneous remarks , random criticism , and fallacious reasoning 摘要尽管《经典的黄昏与庶民的戏谑》中也有一些正确的说法,但从总的情况看,却存在着诸多背离学理的地方或以偏概全,或自相矛盾,或不符事实,或证据不足,或任性发挥,或随意指摘,或强词夺理。