中文翻译与英英解释 | n. 〔法语〕菜丝汤。 adj. (将蔬菜)切成丝的。 green beans julienne青豆丝。 julienne potatoes 洋芋[马铃薯]丝。
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| a clear soup garnished with julienne vegetables
| | a vegetable cut into thin strips (usually used as a garnish) 同义词:julienne vegetable,
| cut into long thin strips; "julienne the potatoes"
例句与用法 | 1. | I m calling upon every person who s hearing this sound of this voice whether you re in hong kong this morning or in moscow or rotterdam or peoria , illinois , or julienne , california , or arrowhead , listen 我向每个听著的人发出呼吁,不管你今早身在香港莫斯科鹿特丹皮奥里亚伊利诺朱利亚尼加州,听著:
| | 2. | In a pan gently fry the garlic clove , once golden add asparagus dice and green peas cook breathly to keep all the flavors , then add parsley julienne and tomato dice , taste seasoning , remove garlic and add a dash of lemon juice , reserve hot 取一锅,放入大蒜头,加热至金黄色,然后放入芦笋,青豆炒.待香味溢出后,放入欧芹,番茄粒翻炒,取出大蒜头,加入一些柠檬汁,保温储存