中文翻译与英英解释 | n. 约翰〔男子名〕;使徒约翰〔耶稣十二门徒之一〕;(新约《圣经》中的)《约翰福音》。 n. 〔美俚〕 1.厕所(尤指男用厕所)。 2.嫖客。 3.(尤指受骗的)男人,家伙。 4.警察;侦探。 5.新兵。
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| a room or building equipped with one or more toilets 同义词:toilet, lavatory, lav, can, privy, bathroom,
| | a prostitute''s customer 同义词:whoremaster, whoremonger, trick,
例句与用法 | 1. | He felt superior in mathematics to john . 他觉得自己的数学比约翰强。
| | 2. | It was john who thrust a person aside . 是约翰把一个人猛推在一旁的。
| | 3. | John said it was grossly exaggerated . 约翰说,这件事被过分夸大了。
| | 4. | Their mood was like that of john donne . 这种心境跟约翰多恩的相仿。
| | 5. | They want my john hancock on the contract . 他们要我在合同上签名。
| | 6. | I know you will like john as a person . 我知道你会喜欢John本人的。
| | 7. | Mary : can you make the teacup , john ? 玛丽:你会做茶杯吗,约翰?
| | 8. | Mary seems to look upon john with disfavour . 玛丽似乎不喜欢约翰。
| | 9. | She is honest and sincere to john , really .. 她确实对约翰是实心实意。
| | 10. | John played goal for the hockey team . 约翰在那个曲棍队当守门员。