中文翻译与英英解释 | n. 1.接合,榫接合处,接合点。 2.【解剖学】关节。 3.【植物;植物学】节。 4.【电学】接头。 5.【建筑】接缝。 6.(硬皮书面的)折合线;两条钢轨的连接物。 7.【地质学;地理学】节理。 8.(用来烤食的)大块肉;带骨的腿肉。 9.〔美俚〕下流场所〔指赌窟,小酒店等〕,热闹场所。 10.〔美俚〕(大麻叶烟的)吸用场所,吸毒窝;大麻叶烟。 短语和例子 air-tight joint【机械工程】气密接合。 ball and socket joint 球窝关节。 Charcot's joint夏柯氏关节〔脊髓痨性关节病〕。 expansion joint伸缩(接)缝。 finger joint手指关节。 knee joint 膝关节。 rivet joint【机械工程】铆(钉接)合。 water-tight joint【机械工程】水密结合。 an eating joint〔美俚〕小饭馆。 a hop joint〔美俚〕鸦片烟馆。 out of joint 1. 脱节,脱榫,脱臼。 2. 纷乱。 3. 不协调。 4. 不满。 put sb.'s nose out of joint 使某人丢脸;推翻某人的计划。 put one's foot [arm, knees] out of joint使足[臂、膝]脱臼。 the joint in sb.'s armour 要害,致命的弱点。 adj. 1.连接的,结合的。 2.联合的,共同的;同时的。 3.合办的,共有的。 4.连带的。 短语和例子 a joint association 联合会。 joint authors 合著者。 a joint communiqué 联合公报。 a joint declaration [statement] 联合声明。 joint exercise [manoeuvre] 联合演习。 joint owners 有共同所有权的物主。 a joint pipe 接合管。 a joint property 共有的财产。 a joint protest 共同抗议。 during their joint lives 〔法律用语〕当他们都活着的时候。 in our joint names 连名。 a joint state-private enterprise 公私合营企业。 joint responsibility [liability] 连带责任。 vt. 1. 使在接口处连接,接合。 2. 使有接头。 3. 从接口处分开,自关节处切断;把(肉)切成带骨的大块。 4. 【建筑】用油灰涂(接缝)。 5. 焊接。 vi. 1.贴合。 2.【植物;植物学】生节;长关节。
| |
| united or combined; "a joint session of Congress"; "joint owners"
| involving both houses of a legislature; "a joint session of Congress"
| | affecting or involving two or more; "joint income-tax return"; "joint ownership"
| separate (meat) at the joint
| | fasten with a joint
| | provide with a joint; "the carpenter jointed two pieces of wood" 同义词:articulate,
| | fit as if by joints; "The boards fit neatly"
| marijuana leaves rolled into a cigarette for smoking 同义词:marijuana cigarette, reefer, stick, spliff,
| | junction by which parts or objects are joined together
| | a disreputable place of entertainment
| | (anatomy) the point of connection between two bones or elements of a skeleton (especially if it allows motion) 同义词:articulation, articulatio,
| | a piece of meat roasted or for roasting and of a size for slicing into more than one portion 同义词:roast,
| | the shape or manner in which things come together and a connection is made 同义词:articulation, join, juncture, junction,
A joint is the location at which two or more bones make contact. They are constructed to allow movement (except for skull bones) and provide mechanical support, and are classified structurally and functionally. |
例句与用法 | 1. | She cut a slice of beef from the joint . 她从大块的牛肉上切下一片来。
| | 2. | My joints seize up in the cold weather . 天气寒冷,我的关节都冻僵了。
| | 3. | I have a pain in every blamed joint . 每一个讨厌的关节都有点儿痛。
| | 4. | Joints stiffen with advancing years . 人一上年纪,关节就变僵硬了。
| | 5. | The capsules of the synovial joints are lax . 滑液关节的关节囊都是松弛的。
| | 6. | She fell and put her knee out of joint . 她摔得膝关节脱臼了。
| | 7. | You can find him in one of these cheap joints . 你可以在这些下流地方中找到他。
| | 8. | The man is getting old and his joints are stiff . 老人年纪大了,关节也硬化了。
| | 9. | This painting is their joint work . 这幅画是他们合作的。
| | 10. | We now write two equilibrium equations for joint d . 现在列出节点D的两个平衡方程。