中文翻译与英英解释 | the main organ of photosynthesis and transpiration in higher plants 同义词:leaf, foliage,
例句与用法 | 1. | Ned lambert , laughing , struck the newspaper on his knees , repeating : - the pensive bosom and the overarsing leafage 内德兰伯特边笑边用报纸拍着自己的膝盖,重复着:
| | 2. | Or again , note the meanderings of some purling rill as it babbles on its way , fanned by gentlest zephyrs tho quarrelling with the stony obstacles , to the tumbling waters of neptune s blue domain , mid mossy banks , played on by the glorious sunlight or neath the shadows cast o er its pensive bosom by the overarching leafage of the giants of the forest . what about that , simon ? he asked over the fringe of his newspaper “再则,请注意那打着漩涡蜿蜒曲折地哗哗淌去的泪泪溪流与拦住去路的岩石搏斗,在习习西风轻拂下,冲向海神所支配的波涛汹涌的蔚蓝领国;沿途,水面上荡漾着灿烂的阳光,两边的堤岸爬满青苔,森林中的巨树那架成拱形的繁叶48 ,将荫影投射于溪流那忧郁多思的胸脯上。