| 1. | Explain as little as possible without being brusque . 解释要少而得体。
| 2. | She was offended by his brusque reply . 他那种粗暴的回答使她听了很不舒服。
| 3. | He is never brusque with his comrades . 他对同志从不疾言厉色。
| 4. | Eleanor was brusque and firm and businesslike . 埃莉诺态度粗暴,意志坚定、办事认真。
| 5. | His manner was brusque . 他的举止唐突。
| 6. | I thought him more sensitive and gentle than his occasionally brusque manner suggested . 他有时态度粗暴,但我认为他还是较为机灵和文雅的。
| 7. | His manner seemed easier and, while still not friendly, was certainly less brusque and not aggressive . 他的态度似乎也平易了些,尽管仍然算不上友好,但肯定不那么唐突无理,气势汹汹了。
| 8. | Walter found his new charge brusque and unapproachable , the hours were incredibly long 沃特发现他的新主人说话很少,而且不易接近。时间过得非常长。
| 9. | Remembering aunty henny ' s own brusque attitude towards superfluous objects and papers , i did not doubt that he was right 想起汉妮伯母自己对多余的物品和文书证件不屑的态度,我并不怀疑他说的都是真话。
| 10. | Native new yorker dan norman , 36 , from east rockaway , said : " the thing to remember is that new yorkers are not rude , they are brusque 住在罗克卫东区的36岁纽约人丹?诺曼说: “你要记住的是:纽约市民并不粗鲁,他们只是很直率。 ”