| 1. | We burned with anger at their brutalities . 对他们的暴行,我们万分气愤。
| 2. | But no brutality disgusted her . 但是任何残忍都引不起她厌恶。
| 3. | It's the brutality of a union without love . 可恨的就是这种没有爱情的结合,那简直是残酷。
| 4. | They told each other of their husbands' brutalities . 她们互相诉说自己的丈夫对她们的虐待。
| 5. | He was really given in secret to this sort of brutality . 他生怕自己暗地里真的信奉上这种残暴行径了。
| 6. | The earth is as full of brutality as the sea is full of motion . 世间满是残忍,正如海洋满是波动一般。
| 7. | They called on their members to demonstrate against the brutality of the police . 他们号召会员示威反对警察的暴行。
| 8. | The last twenty-four hours have witnessed a carnival of brutality . 在过去的二十四小时里,我亲眼目睹了残忍的活剧。
| 9. | The brutality of the thrust gave her the sense of dizziness that follows on a physical blow . 这句尖刻蛮横的讥讽使她感到肉体上受到了迎头痛击似的一阵眩晕。
| 10. | His veins were full of ancestral blood that was rotten with this sort of unconscious brutality . 他的血管里,充满了祖代传留的,由于这种不自觉的残忍而腐朽的血液。