中文翻译与英英解释 | n. 1.粗鄙的人;类下人;吝啬鬼,守财奴;脾气坏的人,执拗的人。 2.【英史】下层自由民。 短语和例子 put a churl upon a gentleman 好酒喝后喝劣酒。
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| a bad-tempered person 同义词:grouch, grump, crank, crosspatch,
| | a selfish person who is unwilling to give or spend 同义词:niggard, skinflint, scrooge,
| | a crude uncouth ill-bred person lacking culture or refinement 同义词:peasant, barbarian, boor, Goth, tyke, tike,
A churl (etymologically the same name as Charles / Carl and Old High German karal), in its earliest Old English (Anglo-Saxon) meaning, was simply "a man", but the word soon came to mean "a non-servile peasant", still spelled ?eorl(e), and denoting the lowest rank of freemen. According to the Oxford English Dictionary it later came to mean the opposite of the nobility and royalty, "a common person". |
例句与用法 | 1. | He must have had some ups and downs in life to make him such a churl . 他一生一定经历过一些坎坷,才使他变成这么一个粗暴的人。
| | 2. | And , tender churl , makest waste in niggarding 温柔的怪物呵,用吝啬浪费了全部,
| | 3. | I can see in his face what a churl he is 我从他的脸上就可以看出来,他不是一个好东西。 ”
| | 4. | The vile person shall be no more called liberal , nor the churl said to be bountiful 5愚顽人不再称为高明,吝啬人不再称为大方。
| | 5. | O , churl , drunk all , and left no friendly drop to help me after 啊,卑贱的人,竟然把它一饮而尽,连一滴都不留给后来的我得以解脱?
| | 6. | The vile person shall be no more called liberal , nor the churl said to be bountiful 赛32 : 5愚顽人不再称为高明、吝啬人不再称为大方。
| | 7. | The instruments also of the churl are evil : he deviseth wicked devices to destroy the poor with lying words , even when the needy speaketh right 赛32 : 7吝啬人所用的法子是恶的他图谋恶计、用谎言毁灭谦卑人穷乏人讲公理的时候、他也是这样行。
| | 8. | [ kjv ] the instruments also of the churl are evil : he deviseth wicked devices to destroy the poor with lying words , even when the needy speaketh right 至于恶棍,他的手段是邪恶的,他图谋恶计,用虚假的言语毁灭困苦的人,即使在穷乏人讲公理的时候,他也是这样。
| | 9. | Thout that are now the world s fresh ornament and only herald to the gaudy spring , within thine own bud buriest thy content and , tender churl , mak st waste in niggarding 你现在是大地的清新的点缀,又是锦绣阳春的唯一的前锋,为什么把富源葬送在嫩蕊里,温柔的鄙夫,要吝啬,反而浪用?