中文翻译与英英解释 | n. 西塞莉〔女子名〕。 n. 【植物;植物学】欧洲汤药属植物,野胡萝卜属植物〔可供食用〕。
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Cicely or Sweet Cicely (Myrrhis odorata) is a plant belonging to the family Apiaceae, native to Central Europe; it is the sole species in the genus Myrrhis. It is a tall herbaceous perennial plant, depending on circumstances growing to 2 m [6?ft 6 in] tall. |
例句与用法 | 1. | In addition , mr . karlin received 12 emmy nominations and won an emmy for best original score for the landmark tv drama , the autobiography of miss jane pittman , starring famed actress cicely tyson . other movies he has scored include yours , mine , and ours , starring lucille ball and henry fonda , michael crichton s westworld , loving couples starring shirley maclaine and susan sarandon , future world starring yul brynner , the stalking moon starring gregory peck , and many others 菲德卡林先生的其它佳作,尤其在电影方面还包括:由露西鲍儿和亨利方达领衔演出的蝶影双飞麦可科理查顿执导的西部世界莎莉麦克琳和苏珊史兰登合力演出的半推半就尤勃连纳主演的未来世界以及葛雷葛莱毕克的潜月等。