| 1. | He cocked his gun and laid it beside him . 他扳上枪机,把它放在身边。
| 2. | A cock crowed in the compound . 围场上一只公鸡啼起来了。
| 3. | He spat into the soup, then cocked his head . 他往汤里吐了口唾沫,接着便扬起头来。
| 4. | The cock clapped his wings and crowed . 公鸡振翅啼叫。
| 5. | They cocked ears at the drumroll of the fire . 他们竖起耳朵倾听着擂鼓似的隆隆火声。
| 6. | The cock has crowed for the third time . 鸡啼第三遍。
| 7. | He cocked his ears and listened . 他侧着耳朵留神听。
| 8. | His head cocked to one side . 他脑袋向一边耷拉着。
| 9. | The cock gave me a peck . 那只公鸡啄了我一下。
| 10. | He went out with his head up and his hat cocked joyously . 他昂头走出来,兴滋滋歪戴着帽子。