| 1. | He was an arrogant and cocksure materialist 他是一个狂妄的自信满满的唯物论者。
| 2. | He ' s so cocksure i ' d love to see him proved wrong 他过分自信- -我倒想看看他栽跟头
| 3. | He was so cocksure that she would call him first 他确信她会先打电话给他。
| 4. | Young people are unstable . they are cocksure 年轻人不稳。他们过于自信。
| 5. | Don ' t be so cocksure that he will succeed 不要那麽确信他会成功。
| 6. | She is cocksure that she will succeed 她信心满满的认为她会成功。
| 7. | He was cocksure that it wasn ' t going to ran , but it is pouring outside 他信心满满确信不会下雨,但外头正在大雨倾盆呢。
| 8. | My father is so cocksure ; he won ' t even admit he ' s capable of making a mistake 我父亲过于自信,他甚至不承认他会犯错误。
| 9. | But many others are put off by google ' s cocksure assertion of its own holiness , as if it merited unquestioning trust 毕竟,是这个公司选择了“永不作恶”的信条,并且明确的高唱它的目标“不是赚钱” ,正如它的老板,埃里克。