| 1. | Do n't get cocky when you 've achieved something . 别一有成绩就翘尾巴。
| 2. | Their demands were still too cocky and unrealistic . 他们的要求还是过于趾高气扬,不切实际。
| 3. | He assumed croft would like him better if he weren't too cocky . 他觉得,只要自己别太自命不凡克洛夫特会更喜欢他。
| 4. | He had married so young because he was in love, but also because he had felt cocky and confident . 他的早婚一是因为热恋,二是因为他自负逞能。
| 5. | Zero : don ' t get cocky . this isn ' t a training a op 别小瞧它,这可不是训练演习。
| 6. | I don ' t like our monitor ; he ' s far too cocky 我不喜欢我们班长。他太趾高气扬了。
| 7. | The area is almost back to its cocky self 整个地区几乎回到了以前空前繁华的样子。
| 8. | The area is almost back to its cocky self 这一区似乎又重拾往昔高傲气质辉煌。
| 9. | Dropout how can a high school dropout be so cocky 中学都没有念完,牛什么牛?
| 10. | Hey , man , don ' t give me none of that cocky - ass - 嘿,伙计,不要跟我在那光是吹