| 1. | Take a cup of cocoa and then go to bed . 喝一杯可可再睡觉。
| 2. | I knew po ku was hoarding a tin of cocoa in his hut . 我知道博古家里还藏着一罐可可。
| 3. | He's so splendid, he's often lived on cocoa for a week ! 他真有趣;时常一个星期都靠吃可可过日子!
| 4. | Since 1950, the cocoa marketing board has a monopoly on buying, transporting, and exporting cocoa . 1950年以来,可可供销局对采购、运输和出口可可已进行了垄断。
| 5. | In the west province the money spinner is cocoa 在西部省份,赚钱的产品是可可。
| 6. | Let ' s see . apple jacks . frosted flakes . cocoa puffs 来看看,苹果粒,雪饼,可可粉
| 7. | The country ' s main products are gold and cocoa 这个国家的主要产品是可可和黄金。
| 8. | Consort room guilin yangshuo cocoa hotel reservation 夫妻房,桂林阳朔可可酒店预订
| 9. | But the food they longed for the most was the cocoa bean 但他们最喜欢吃的是可可豆
| 10. | Hygienic standard for cocoa powder based solid drink 可可粉固体饮料卫生标准