中文翻译与英英解释 | n. 1.椰子(果)。 2.〔俚语〕头,脑袋。 短语和例子 That accounts for the milk in the coconut. 〔戏谑语〕啊,原来是这样。
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| large hard-shelled oval nut with a fibrous husk containing thick white meat surrounding a central cavity filled (when fresh) with fluid or milk 同义词:cocoanut,
| | the edible white meat of a coconut; often shredded for use in e.g. cakes and curries 同义词:coconut meat,
| | tall palm tree bearing coconuts as fruits; widely planted throughout the tropics 同义词:coconut palm, coco palm, coco, cocoa palm, coconut tree, Cocos nucifera,
The coconut palm, Cocos nucifera, is a member of the family Arecaceae (palm family). It is the only accepted species in the genus Cocos. |
例句与用法 | 1. | The king feasted his friends on chicken and coconuts . 国王以鸡肉和椰子宴请他的朋友。
| | 2. | She split open the coconut . 她把椰子劈开了。
| | 3. | Even the coconut trees seemed swollen and expectant . 连椰子树都似乎憋得头昏脑胀,巴望能舒上一口气。
| | 4. | In the coconut groves at the edge of the field, the trees were stripped of leaves . 草地边上的小椰林里,椰树都光秃秃的没有了叶子。
| | 5. | Uiliami blew the whistle suspended on his broad bare chest by a cord of coconut fiber . 尤利亚米吹响了哨子,这哨子穿在一根椰毛捻的绳子上,挂在他宽阔裸露的胸前。
| | 6. | He was looking across the lagoon to where the nuhiva's sails showed through the sparse coconuts . 他正隔着湖面,透过几株稀疏的椰子树,眺望着“娶西瓦”号的船帆。
| | 7. | With pleasure . these cakes contain apples , peas , nuts , and those coconuts , oranges and pineapples . 很好。这三块是苹果的,豆沙的,果仁的,那三块是椰子的,橙子的和菠萝的。
| | 8. | Because the wind blew lengthwise along the atoll, the house had been sheltered by the miles of coconut trees . 因为风是顺着岛的纵长方向吹过来的,这所房子得到好几公里宽的椰林的庇护。
| | 9. | Its beauty is the beauty of the sea and sky, and the varied colour of the lagoon, and the grace of the coconut trees . 那地方的美是海天茫茫的美,是湖水变幻不定的色彩和椰子树的摇曳多姿。
| | 10. | Coconut palms grew in spots on the circle of sand, and there were many gaps where the sand was too close to sea level for coconut . 在环形的沙滩上,零零星星地长着一些椰子树。不少地方地势太低,接近海平面,不适合椰树生长,形成一处处空地。