| 1. | It is now possible not only to locate a shoal but to tell if it is herring , cod , or other well-known fish , by the pattern of its echo . 不仅有可能测定鱼群的位置,而且可以根据鱼群回声的图象区分出鲱鱼,鳕鱼或其他人们所熟悉的鱼。
| 2. | Boston - cape cod - martha s vineyard - boston 波士顿鳕鱼角玛莎葡萄园岛波士顿
| 3. | Study and development of cod monitor based on embedded system 监测仪的研究与开发
| 4. | The cod swim away ; the ice sheets freeze over again 鳕鱼游走了,冰原再度冰封起。
| 5. | Application of cod method in nonmetal pipe exploration 法在非金属管线探测中的应用
| 6. | Players can no longer send gift wrapped packages via cod 付款取信中不再能寄包裹。
| 7. | Fish in newfoundland means only one thing : cod 鱼在纽芬兰仅指一种鱼:鳕鱼。
| 8. | Cod water quality - determination of chemical oxygen demand 水质.化学需氧量的测定
| 9. | We will serve smoked cod ' s roe at the dinner 宴会上我们将上一道熏鳕鱼子。
| 10. | Exploration of the problems of cod determination method 化学需氧量测定法存在问题探讨