例句与用法 | 1. | Influence of moo42 - on the codeposition mechanism and magnetic properties of cobalt - molybdenum thin films 共沉积机制及薄膜磁性能影响
| | 2. | Lifepo4 was sintered by solid - state method , we found that the capacity of the sample which was synthesized by codeposition method exhibited high specific capacity ( 142 mah ? g - 1 ) and good cycling performance 采用高温固相法制备了lifepo4 ,发现共沉淀制备的前驱体烧结出的材料容量达到142mah ? g - 1 ,循环性能也很好。
| | 3. | Presence of vulcan xc - 72 active carbon powder in the pt / moox / gc composite electrode by electrochemical codeposition made peak potential of methanol oxidation a further negative shift of about 50mv and a further promotion of co - tolerant performance for methanol oxidation 催化剂中vulcanxc - 72活性碳粉的引入即共沉积制备的pt moo _ x c gc电极催化剂甲醇氧化峰电位又进一步负移50mv左右,抗co中毒催化性能又进一步提高。
| | 4. | Deposition mechanism of electroless plating tin in acid chloride solutions was analyzed theoretically , and three steps were summed up , including period of replacement reaction , coexistence periods of copper - tin codeposition and self - catalyzed deposition , and period of self - catalyzed deposition 从理论上系统地分析了酸性氯化物化学镀锡的沉积机理,将其归纳为置换反应期、铜锡共沉积与自催化沉积共存期和自催化沉积期三个阶段。
| | 5. | In this thesis , in order to reducing the amount of the pt catalyst , improving the electrocatalytic activity of the pt catalysts and utilization ratio of pt , the electrochemical codeposition method by cyclic voltammetry ( cv ) was used to prepare a series pt / moox / glassy carbon ( gc ) composite electrodes with high dispersibility . the composite electrode , pt / moox / gc , was characterized to study its composition and its electro chemical behavior by cv . using the xrd and sem techniques , the size and the dispersion degree of the catalyst particles were studied in presence or absence of moox in the catalyst 为了降低主催化剂pt的用量、提高pt的活性和利用率,本论文利用循环伏安法共沉积制备高分散的pt moo _ x催化剂颗粒,利用循环伏安电化学表征、 xrd和sem技术研究了引入moo _ x后的催化剂即pt moo _ x颗粒的粒子大小、分散状态;利用icp - aes定量分析pt moo _ x催化剂颗粒的组成含量;并借助于电化学方法分别评价了pt moo _ x gc电极催化剂的对甲醇的电催化活性和稳定性、氧还原电催化活性。
| | 6. | That is the premise of the bg / ha electrophoresis codeposition . the laws of the electrophoresis deposition of the bg and ha partic les were found by the study on each of their deposition under the different conditions . the electrophoresis codeposition of the bg and ha particles had been studied and the bg / ha graded coating , which is compact in the bottom layer and porous near the surface layer , had been prepared on the surface of the dental implant after the low temperature heat treatment ( about 740 ) and fast firing ( 50 - 80 / min , heat preservation time was 5 - 8min . ) 以bg微粉和ha微粉作为涂层原料,通过研究bg和ha微粉在非水介质中的分散情况和带电特性,选择冰醋酸为介质,使分散在其中的bg颗粒和ha颗粒表面均带上正电荷,为电泳共沉积提供前提条件;通过对不同条件下bg 、 ha各自电泳沉积的研究,探索出了两者电泳沉积的规律;通过对bg和ha在冰醋酸中电泳共沉积以及后续低温( 740左右)快烧( 50 ? 80 min ,保温5 ? 8min )热处理的研究,在钛合金牙根种植体基体上成功制备出了底层致密而表层多孔的bg ha梯度涂层。
| | 7. | In this paper , 6013al / sicp / gr metal matrix composite ( mmc ) was produced by spray codeposition , by means of changing the medium of quenching , influence of five types of heat treatment system ( furnace cooling , air cooling , water quenching , dry ice quenching , liquid nitrogen quenching ) and different aging temperature on the damping was studied systematically 本文采用喷射共沉积方法制备了6013al sicp gr金属基复合材料( mmc ) ,通过改变淬火介质,较为系统地研究了五种热处理制度(炉冷、空冷、水冷、干冰冷及液氮冷)以及不同时效温度( 120 、 150 、 170 、 190及210 )对6013al sicp grmmc阻尼性能影响。