| 1. | We will codify a new technique . 我们将引进一种新技术。
| 2. | Its theory and practice have been codified in the canon of leninism . 其理论和实践均汇编于列宁主义圣典之中。
| 3. | Its theory and practice have been codified in the canon of leninism . 它的理论和实践都根据列宁主义原则进行汇编整理。
| 4. | The laws of france were codified from 1804 to 1810 by order of napoleon i . 法国法典系受拿破仑一世之命自1804至1810年编成。
| 5. | The government codified and revised the laws of france so well that today the code napoleon remains the basis of french law . 政府非常出色地制定和修改了法国法律,以致直到今天,《拿破仑法典》仍旧是法国法律的基础。
| 6. | China should codify sachenrvcht law not property law 中国应制定物权法而不是财产法
| 7. | Codifying morals - an important way of cultivating morals at present 当前道德建设的重要途径
| 8. | In many ways , this codifies what nato already does 从多方面而言,这概括了北约的已行之事。
| 9. | Satisfies the condition codified in the 时遇到的每一个满足在
| 10. | This rule is codified in the 这种规则是在名为