| 1. | I was cogitating what the mystery might be . 我正在思索着这个秘密或许是什么。
| 2. | She was able to cogitate quite clearly while exchanging honeyed impertinences with mrs. branderton . 她一边和布兰德顿夫人亲密地闲扯,一面还能十分清楚地深思问题。
| 3. | He was cogitating as to what might happen to him in case his son failed, for he was deeply involved with him . 他正在思考,倘使他的儿子垮了台以后会遭到什么,因为他已经受了他极大的拖累。
| 4. | I moved away, cogitating and at the same time keeping an eye out for chance passenger in his right mind that might come along and give me some light . 我走开了,一边深思默想,一边儿还老留着神,看路上会不会碰巧过来一个不疯的人,可以给我指示愚迷。
| 5. | Symmetry - a key to unlock physical theory cogitate 开启物理学理论思想的钥匙
| 6. | Then he tossed the marble away pettishly , and stood cogitating 于是他一气之下扔掉那个弹子,站在那儿沉思。
| 7. | Checking - up and cogitating evidence abroad in overseas commercial action 涉外商事案件中境外证据的审查与认定
| 8. | Constructivism : please cogitate it deeply and apply it carefully on physical education 学习理论在体育教学中要深思慎用
| 9. | Cogitate upon sth 对某事深思熟虑
| 10. | Mr mccain is a war hero who has spent most of his professional life cogitating on matters of war and peace 他是越战英雄,多年来一直致力于战争与和平问题。