中文翻译与英英解释 | n. 1.同族;亲戚;外戚,女系亲戚。 2.【语言】同语族;同词源。
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| (anthropology) related by blood 同义词:consanguinity, blood kinship,
| | line of descent traced through the maternal side of the family 同义词:matrilineage, enation,
例句与用法 | 1. | On the cultural cognation accepted by the chinese school 试论中国学派的文化认同性
| | 2. | Problems on cognation of the dong and the yao peoples 论苗瑶民族的同源问题
| | 3. | Mixed pros and cons : the cognations of history and political ideology 史学与政治意识形态的关联
| | 4. | Cognation and misunderstanding : confucian view of buddhism in song dynasty 佛教理论对中国古代审美认识论之影响
| | 5. | However bacteria ftsz has some cognation relationship with tubulin , perhaps they have the same ancestor 细菌界中ftsz还与tubulin蛋白具有较近的亲缘关系,推测起源于共同的祖先。
| | 6. | Because of the objective circumstances and subjective cognation , its major content was various defensive measures and it maintained a strategic defensive posture 受客观条件与主观认识的限制,美国反恐怖主义政策以防范为主,在总体上呈战略守势。
| | 7. | Specifically speaking , the reasons why implementing subject cause hindrances for policy implementation are as follows . first , implementing subject can not keep value neutral because of interests . second , implementing subject with the poor policy cognation quality and the ability of implementation usually makes policy errors 他们可能会因利益驱动,因认知和能力缺陷,因执行方式不当而引发政策执行的偏差行为;同时,政治社会化机制的乏力、权力配置机制的不合理以及责任追究制度的缺损等制度原因也必然导致执行主体的偏差行为,从而导致政策执行阻滞。