| 1. | All who travel should be over cognizant of this fact . 凡是出差的人都必须认识到这一事实。
| 2. | Are you cognizant of all the complexities of the language ? 你知道这种语言的各种各样的复杂特征吗?
| 3. | Lyman, because of his position as commissioner, might be cognizant of the railroad's plans . 莱门是铁路专员,所以他也许知道铁路当局的计划。
| 4. | The threat of fine and plant shut down has made manufacturing enterprises more cognizant of problems in this area . 罚款和停产所带来的威胁已使各制造业更加熟知这一领域所发生的问题。
| 5. | With so little experience , your mind not yet cognizant 所以你才会在我怀里躲
| 6. | On the metaphoric and cognizant meanings of color terms in english and chinese language 英汉色彩词汇的隐喻认知意义
| 7. | Manufacture and discussion of calculating railway cognizant curve softwore by coordinate method 关于座标法计算铁路既有曲线软件的研制与探讨
| 8. | Our research indicates that the nation ' s youth are cognizant of the law ( jerry d . jennings 我们的调查表明全国的青年已有了法律意识(杰里? d ?詹宁斯) 。
| 9. | Waiver or acquiescence presupposes that the person to be bound is fully cognizant of his rights 放弃或者默许的权利应当是从当事人已充分认识他的权利为前提。
| 10. | To be cognizant of the human value , we must try to analyze the " human " historically inside and outside 为了弄清人的价值,必须首先对“人”进行历史的内外剖析。