| 1. | Mind feels , thinks and cognizes objects 内心的功能是感觉、思维与认知外物。
| 2. | Three methods for cognizing chinese traditional philosophy 认知中国传统哲学的三个维度
| 3. | Cognizing the suspended case of the crime of organizing illegal immigration 境罪停止形态的认定
| 4. | To compare is to differentiate , to differentiate is to cognize 有比较才有鉴别,有鉴别才有认识。
| 5. | Cognize ocean , exploit ocean 认知海洋开发海洋
| 6. | We have become good friends sice we cognized with each other at school 自从我们在学校认识之后,我们就一直是好朋友。
| 7. | Diagnoses on pharmacology cognizing among five - year and three - year systems students 专科生和本科生对药理学认知水平的比较分析
| 8. | Essence , task and methods in singing behavior study on three basic issues in singing cognizing theory 歌唱认知理论中的三个基本问题研究
| 9. | Correctly cognize the new stratum and always adhere to the advanced nature 正确认识新阶层始终坚持先进性不断增强党的阶级基础和群众基础
| 10. | These forms are cognized or not , according to the qualities latent in the perceiving consciousness 对物相的认知与不知,取决于潜藏的心灵意识品性。