| 1. | The two paragraphs are not coherent enough . 这两段文章不太接气。
| 2. | The material must be moderately coherent and firm . 材料必须有适度的粘着力和坚固性。
| 3. | The intensity of the coherent light builds up very rapidly . 相干光的强度迅速地增大。
| 4. | The hitherto coherent and uniform line was missing . 原来前后连贯的,始终一致的路线消失了。
| 5. | The two photons go off together as coherent radiation . 这两个光子一起发射出去,形成相干辐射。
| 6. | The radiation is produced by the coherent motion of electron streams . 辐射产生于电子流的相干运动。
| 7. | She had felt there was something wrong, but couldn't give coherent reasons . 她感到有些不对头,但是讲不清楚理由。
| 8. | Accordingly, laser light is said to be much more coherent than ordinary light . 所以,我们说激光的相干性比普通光强得多。
| 9. | This coherent speech was interrupted by the entrance of rochester coachman . 洛彻斯特驿车的车夫进来打断了这番有条理的演说。
| 10. | Goodwin's task was to reduce the jumble of recommendations to a coherent policy . 古德温的任务是把这些杂乱无章的建议变成一项连贯的决策。