| 1. | Used to synchronize internal coherency tests 用于同步内部一致性测试。
| 2. | Effect of site condition on coherency function of ground motion 场地条件对地震动相干函数的影响
| 3. | This kind ofsilk has the coherency 这种丝有粘性。
| 4. | Numerical simulation of ground motion coherency function on engineering site 工程场地地震动相干函数的数值模拟
| 5. | Amplitude coherency filtering 振幅相干滤波
| 6. | Analysis of coherency between tourism development and economic growth in china 旅游产业发展与我国经济增长的相关性分析
| 7. | What are the ramifications of quantum entanglement and coherency in computation 量子缠绕和共谐通过结算的结果是什么?
| 8. | The application of the methods can guarantee the coherency of associated data in db system 此方法可以保证数据库系统中关联数据的一致性。
| 9. | He job of cache coherency is done partially by the hardware and partially by the operating system 保证高速缓存一致性的工作由硬件和操作系统共同分担。
| 10. | Staff motivation strategy in recognition of staff achievement , coherency of team spirit and identification of elite staff within the group 鼓励员工策略包括认同员工成就加强团队精神及发掘优秀人才