中文翻译与英英解释 | n. 1.一种紧包在头上的小帽;【历史】(盔下戴的)衬帽。 2.(高级律师 sergeant-at-law 戴的)白帽;高级律师的地位[身份]。 3.= coiffure (名词) vt. 使戴布帽[白帽]。
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| a skullcap worn by nuns under a veil or by soldiers under a hood of mail or formerly by British sergeants-at-law
| | the arrangement of the hair (especially a woman''s hair) 同义词:hairdo, hairstyle, hair style, coiffure,
| arrange attractively; "dress my hair for the wedding" 同义词:dress, arrange, set, do, coiffe, coiffure,
| | cover with a coif
例句与用法 | 1. | Of two beautifully coiffed people in love 发生在发型如此漂亮的两个相爱的人身上
| | 2. | Of two beautifully coiffed people in love 发生在发型如此漂亮的两个相爱的人身上
| | 3. | Nuns with whitewashed faces , cool coif and their rosaries going up and down , vindictive too for what they can t get 修女们那一张张白得像石灰水般的脸,素净的头巾以及举上举下的念珠。
| | 4. | But our national image of the first spouse is still that of the quiet , coiffed wife beaming adoringly at her husband 但在全国人心中,第一配偶的形象,仍是头发梳理得一丝不乱、安安静静、对著丈夫脸上堆满笑容的妻子。
| | 5. | Hiding from an unknown past , the mishima - identified and moppishly - coiffed kenji starring asano tadanobu seems determined on a premature rendezvous w . . 一个四代同堂聚餐的画面出现在一间餐厅内,欢笑声不绝于耳,场面温馨。
| | 6. | Always fully dressed by 8 o clock with her hair fashionably coifed and make up perfectly applied even though she is legally blind and today she moves to a nursing home 一位小个子,泰然自若的优雅女士,每天八点正就穿戴整梳著流行的发型加上完美的化妆。虽然她看得不很清楚,今天她要搬进安老院。
| | 7. | How serene does she now arise , a queen among the pleiades , in the penultimate antelucan hour , shod in sandals of bright gold , coifed with a veil of what do you call it gossamer 稍早于黎明前之最后时刻,伊足登灿烂之金色凉鞋, 244身披汝所称之薄纱巾。伊乃昂星团245女王,此刻正冉冉升起,何等安详。
| | 8. | Hiding from an unknown past , the mishima - identified and moppishly - coiffed kenji starring asano tadanobu seems determined on a premature rendezvous with oblivion ; when first we meet him , he s already swinging by the neck from a makeshift noose 诺仙妮达邦雅淑饰是一名奇异而神秘的泰藉妓女,住在芭堤雅一所破屋内,与妹妹妮赖烈亚邦雅淑饰相依为命。
| | 9. | In the last part of thesis , the frame of supply and production logistics system is put forward in allusion to the actually situation of manufactory , and the execution effect of this frame will be evaluated recurring to an example that is a project developed recently in chongqing optical instrument factory ( coif ) 就快速反应物流系统中供应物流和生产物流部分,针对制造企业的生产情况提出了解决方案,并借助实施案例对快速反应物流系统的实施效果做出评价。
| | 10. | Among the many remarkable final projects that have been proposed and presented at the end of the course have been a renaissance hourglass blown in the mit glass shop and set into a frame turned on our set shop lathe ; a four harness loom built by a student who then wove cloth on it ; a number of chain mail tunics and coifs ; a wide variety of costume and furniture pieces and electrified period lighting fixtures 在以往的课程中,学生们构想并于期末展示出了很多优秀的作品,比如一个文艺复兴时期的沙漏,它是学生在麻省理工学院的玻璃工作坊吹制、并在我们布景工作坊的车床上成形的;一台由学生制作的四综纺织机,制作者真正用它来织布;许多锁子甲束腰外衣和头巾;各式各样的服饰、家俱和电气化时代的照明设备。