| 1. | This article lacks unity and coherence . 这篇文章层次不清。
| 2. | Environmental education is intended to give these topics more coherence . 环境教育的目的是使这些课题更加息息相关。
| 3. | Coherence has been said to be a criterion, but not a definition of truth . 贯通性被认为是判断真理的一个标准,但不是关于真理的定义。
| 4. | Coherence had to be restored to the government and especially to its center in the white house . 政府,特别是白宫中心一定要恢复团结精神。
| 5. | We will get back to these ideas when we consider coherence theory in more detail . 我们在后面比较详细地讨论相干性理论时,再回到这些概念上来。
| 6. | The generation of interference fringes is then seemingly a very convenient measure of the coherence . 于是干涉条纹的产生看来是相干性最方便的量度。
| 7. | The study of such light will lead us to the important concepts of bandwidth and coherence time . 对这种光的研究将使我们得到带宽和相干时间的重要概念。
| 8. | Admittedly the term temporal coherence seems to imply an effect which is exclusively temporal 显然,时间相干性这个术语似乎意味着一种只属于时间的效应。
| 9. | It may also be possible in the course of time to discover a certain coherence in the new ideas . 随着时间的推移,人们在这些新思想中也可能发现某种一致性。
| 10. | To give my story coherence i should describe the progress of their tragic union . 为了把我的故事说得有头有尾,我应该描写一下他们这一悲剧性的结合是如何发展的。