| 1. | When will the new coins be put into circulation ? 新硬币何时发行?
| 2. | This is a book on the roman coins . 这是一本关于罗马货币的册子。
| 3. | The coin is flipped differently each time . 每次掷出钱币的动作都不相同。
| 4. | The other paid him back in the same coin . 另一个人也用同样的办法对付他
| 5. | He dropped some coins on the floor . 他把一些硬币掉在地板上了。
| 6. | She slid a coin into his hand . 她把一枚硬币偷偷塞进他的手里。
| 7. | He stuffed some coins into the man's pocket . 他往那个人兜里掖了几个铜板。
| 8. | No , but i like to collect stamps and coins . 别,但我喜欢收集邮票和钱币。
| 9. | Do you want the money in notes or coins ? 你要纸币还是要硬币?
| 10. | He scooped the coins up in his hands . 他用手把硬币捧了起来。