| 1. | Your views coincide with my own . 你的看法同我的看法不谋而合。
| 2. | These two lines coincide with each other . 这两条线彼此相合。
| 3. | He happened to coincide with you on this point . 在这一问题上,他与你不谋而合。
| 4. | These two triangles coincide . 这两个三角形相互重合。
| 5. | The aging phenomenon coincided with oxygen absorption . 老化现象与氧的吸收密切相关。
| 6. | My opinion coincides with his . 我的意见跟他巧合。
| 7. | The two triangles coincide . 这两个三角形相重合。
| 8. | A center of symmetry must coincide with the center of mass . 对称中心必须与质量中心重合。
| 9. | Our appointments coincided with the election of kenned . 我们的高升与肯尼迪的当选差不多同时发生。
| 10. | The second band coincides with the first in neopentane . 第二个吸收峰在新戊烷中和第一个峰相重合。