| 1. | My home is only a bus stop from the college . 我家离学院只有一站地。
| 2. | The college is affiliated with the university . 该学院附属于该大学。
| 3. | The college is not operated for profit . 这所大学不是为了营利而办的。
| 4. | Joe was in college and worried about exams . 乔在大学读书时发愁考试。
| 5. | I was rather literary in college . 我在大学的时候是喜欢舞文弄墨的。
| 6. | I had a very exclusive college education . 我受到得天独厚的大学教育。
| 7. | That is our sister college in cambridge . 那是我们剑桥大学的姐妹学院。
| 8. | These books are his legacy to the college . 这些书籍是他给学院的遗赠。
| 9. | Amanda is home from college once again . 阿曼达又从学校回到家中。
| 10. | The school is attached to the normal college . 这所学校附属于师范学院。