| 1. | Congress is a collegial and not a hierarchical body . 国会是一个学院式的机构,而不是一个等级制度的机构。
| 2. | The members of a collegial panel shall be odd in number 合议庭的成员人数应当是单数。
| 3. | The collegial panel must have an odd number of members 合议庭的成员人数,必须是单数。
| 4. | Form a collegial panel to conduct the trial 组成合议庭开庭审理
| 5. | Analysis on the current conditions of the collegial patent industrialization 高校专利产业化现状分析
| 6. | The editorial policies of collegial journals 杂志和北新书局
| 7. | The collegial panel shall execute the decision of the judicial committee 审判委员会的决定,合议庭应当执行。
| 8. | On adjustment and control of player ' s morale in collegial volleyball match 浅谈排球比赛中替补运动员的心理状态
| 9. | The records of the deliberations shall be signed by the members of the collegial panel 评议笔录由合议庭的组成人员签名。
| 10. | Designing the experiments managing branch of collegial laboratory information management system 高校实验室管理信息系统实验管理分系统的设计