| 1. | With his devoted service and collegiality , dr . pounder was appointed director of business programmes office in 2004 他于2004年成为商学课程主任。
| 2. | Develop an environment of trust and collegiality that encourages and rewards staff for quality work 发展一个互信共管的环境,鼓励和奖赏表现优异的员工。
| 3. | To ensure a university environment that supports excellence and fosters a spirit of trust , collegiality and community among staff at all levels 致力确保大学有一个支援卓越教研的环境,员工上下互相信任,和睦相处,团结一致。
| 4. | This is an honour to be shared by all . and what does he consider to be the factors contributing to the collegiality on campus and the strong commitment of staff members to cuhk 李校长更认为中大协商众议的传统和中大人对大学的强烈认同感,与中大的历史发展有关。
| 5. | Lingnan is also commended for the positive attitudes toward teaching and learning that are displayed by both staff and students , and a general feeling of collegiality that pervades the institution 报告更称许岭大的师生对教与学都表现出积极认真的态度,和睦融洽的气氛遍布整个校园。
| 6. | The review report for cuhk also made special mention of the vice - chancellor s clear leadership style and his ability to strike a good balance between strong executive leadership and maintaining a spirit of collegiality 报告也特别称赞李国章校长对大学的领导是清晰而明确,并能在行政主导与协商众议之间取得平衡,令人印象深刻。
| 7. | The panel was also impressed that under the leadership of the council and the vice - chancellor , cuhk manages to achieve a good balance between providing strong executive leadership and yet maintaining a spirit of collegiality 小组认为在校董会和校长的领导下,中大成功地在行政主导管理模式和维持协商众议的精神两者之间取得良好的平衡。
| 8. | The spc recognised that internally , our shared goals and values , unique strength in a number of disciplines and quality staff , when facilitated by a supportive council , collegiality and team spirit , will drive the furtherance of our business 委员会认为,本校上下一致的目标、价值观、在某些学术范畴的专长、优秀的教职员,配合校董会的支持和校内各级衷诚合作,必可使校务拓展更上层楼。
| 9. | Lingnan university was commended by the university grants committee institutional visit panel for the general feeling of collegiality that pervades the university and the close student - to - student and faculty - to - student bonds that the panel had never felt anywhere else before 岭大独特的学苑气氛,以及紧密的学生及师生关系,就曾被教资会院校考察委员会称许,认为是其他大学所缺少的。
| 10. | The spc recognised that internally , our shared goals and values , unique strength in a number of disciplines and quality staff , when facilitated by a supportive council , collegiality and team spirit , will drive the furtherance of our business 委员会认为,本校上下一致的目标、价值观、在某些学术范畴的专长、优秀的教职员,配合校董会的支持和校内各级衷诚合作,必可使校务拓展更上层楼。